Resep Minuman Es Cappucino Cincau ( Cappucino Ice Grass Jelly Recipe )
Pada saat bulan Ramadhan, cincau adalah keliru satu idola buat menciptakan takjil berbuka puasa di samping dawet, kolang-kaling & sebagainya. Dan disebutkan pula mengkonsumsi cincau dalam bulan ramadhan ketika hendak berbuka mampu meredakan panas dalam, dikarenakan zat yang terkandung di pada materi pembuatan cincau tadi.
Tidak terkecuali terdapat begitu poly olahan yang sanggup tersaji menggunakan cincau ini, diantaranya es campur, kolak tape & cincau, & lain-lain. Salah satunya merupakan resep es cappucino cincau yang akan aku bagikan berikut ini. Es cappucino cincau sanggup di temukan pada mana saja bahkan terdapat beberapa franchise terkenal dengan es cappucino cincau.
Agar sesuai kesukaan sendiri, saya mencoba menciptakan minuman es cappucino cincau ini. Dan berikut resepnya
Berikut materi & cara mengolahnya:
Bahan - materi :
- 1 balok cincau, di basuh dan dipotong dadu
- 2 gelas santan kental
- 100 gram gula pasir
- 50 gram gula merah
- 1 bungkus cappucino instan
- Susu kental anggun secukupnya
Cara membuatnya :
- Rebus 2 gelas santan kental dengan 100 gram gula pasir, 50 gram gula merah sampai mendidih dengan api kecil, angkat dan sisihkan
- Campur 1 bungkus cappucino instan ke dalam rebusan santan dan gula yang masih hangat, aduk rata dan tunggu sampai hambar kemudian masukkan ke dalam kulkas
- Setelah benar-benar dingin, blender gabungan cappucino, cicip bila perlu dan tambahkan gula sesuai selera
- Untuk penyajian : masukkan beberapa sendok cincau yang sudah dipotong dadu kedalam gelas, kemudian tuang cappucino yang sudah diblender, tuang susu kental anggun di atasnya sesuai selera kemudian sajikan
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cincau |
Setelah dinikmati, es cappucino cincau ini cukup nikmat. Walau tanpa adonan es serut, namun cappucino nya aku masukkan terlebih dahulu ke pada kulkas seharian kemudian saat menjelang berbuka puasa barulah saya blender terlebih dahulu sebelum tersaji.
Untuk penggunaan santan sanggup anda ganti dengan susu cair sesuai selera apabila anda kurang menyukai santan. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom :D
Cappucino Ice Grass Jelly Recipe
When bulan rahmat time, grass jelly is one of the idols to make takjil or appetizer for ramadan alongside dawet, kolang-kaling, and so on. And mentioned consume grass jelly can relieve heartburn when they wanted break their fast ,because the substances materials that contained to make the grass jelly.
No exception there are so many preparations that can be presented using this grass jelly, among others, ice mix, kolak tape and grass jelly, and others. One of them is a recipe iced cappucino grass jelly which I will share the following. Cappucino ice grass jelly can be found wherever, even there are some famous franchise with grass jelly ice cappucino.
To suit their own tastes, I tried to make this grass jelly drink iced cappuccino. And the following recipe
Here are the ingredients and how to make it:
Ingredients :
- 1 beam grass jelly, washed and diced
- 2 cups coconut milk
- 100 grams sugar
- 50 grams of brown sugar
- 1 packet of instant cappuccino
- Sweetened condensed milk to taste
How to make :
- Boil 2 cups coconut milk with 100 grams of sugar, 50 grams of brown sugar to a boil over low heat, remove and set aside
- Mix 1 packet of instant cappuccino in a stew coconut milk and sugar is still warm, stir and wait for it to cold and then put into the fridge
- Once completely cold, mixed cappucino using a blender, taste it if necessary and add sugar to taste
- To serve : put some grass jelly for a few of spoon that has been diced into the glass, then pour cappucino that already blended, pour sweetened condensed milk on it according to taste, and serve
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grass jelly |
Having enjoyed, grass jelly ice cappucino is quite delicious. Although without a mixture of shaved ice, but this cappucino mixed I put in the refrigerator for all day before breaking the fast then I blender before serving.
For the use of coconut milk you can replace with fresh milk to taste if you do not like coconut milk. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom : D
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