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Resep Roti Kayumanis ( Cinnamon Bread Recipe )

Ini camilan roti lainnya, yg sederhana dengan materi taburan gula pasir dan serbuk kayumanis. Bau harum menurut kayumanisnya semerbak & rotinya lembut sekali... Berikut aku bagi resepnya ya bunda :D

Bentuknya sinkron ciptaan kesukaan ibu saja ya :D

Baca pula :

Resep Roti sobek isi krim kopi

Resep Roti boy

Resep Roti pisang

Resep Roti isi vla kentang

Bahan - materi :

  • 300 gram tepung terigu
  • 3 sdm susu bubuk
  • 3 sdm gula pasir
  • 3 sdt ragi instant
  • 1 gelas air hangat kuku

Bahan biang :

  • 1/4 gelas tepung terigu
  • 1/4 gelas air

Bahan taburan :

  • Gula pasir
  • Kayumanis bubuk

Video Resep Roti Kayu Manis

Cara Membuat :

  1. Masak materi biang hingga kental dan berwarna kekuningan, angkat dan dinginkan
  2. Campur 3 sdm susu bubuk dan 3 sdm gula pasir ke dalam 1 gelas air hangat kuku hingga gula dan susu tercampur rata
  3. Masukkan 3 sdt ragi instant ke dalam larutan gula dan susu, diamkan beberapa ketika hingga ragi mengembang
  4. Masukkan 300 gram tepung terigu ke dalam wadah besar, campurkan materi biang dan larutan ragi yang sudah mengembang
  5. Aduk gabungan hingga kalis sambil taburi tepung terigu bertahap semoga tidak lengket, diamkan gabungan kira-kira 1 jam hingga mengembang
  6. Setelah mengembang, kempiskan gabungan kemudian pipihkan memanjang
  7. Beri materi taburan gula pasir dan bubuk kayumanis hingga rata, gulung gabungan sambil ditekan-tekan
  8. Potong-potong gabungan dengan besar sesuai selera, letakkan di dalam loyang yang sudah diolesi mentega, tutup dengan kain higienis dan biarkan sebentar hingga gabungan mengembang
  9. Panaskan panggangan hingga 200 derajat celcius kemudian panggang roti selama 15-20 menit hingga matang dan kecoklatan
  10. Angkat kemudian oleskan mentega di atas roti dan sajikan

Hmmm.... Kelihatan Yummy ya mak :D...

Tapi memang enak lho bund, rotinya lembut & manis.

Setelah di sajikan, eksklusif rotinya habis disantap. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom :D

Cinnamon Bread Recipe

This is the other bread snack, simple with a sprinkling of sugar ingredients and powdered cinnamon. The sweet smell of cinnamon bread fragrant and soft ... I share the recipe : D

Read More :

Bread with cream-filled coffee recipes

Coffee buns recipes

Banana buns recipes

Potato custard bread recipes

Bread ingredients :

  • 300 grams of wheat flour
  • 3 tablespoons milk powder
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 3 tsp instant yeast
  • 1 cup lukewarm water

Starter dough ingredients :

  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/4 cup water

Ingredients of topping :

  • Sugar
  • Cinnamon powder

How To Make :

  1. Cook starter dough ingredients until thick and yellowish, remove and let cool
  2. Mix 3 tablespoons of powdered milk and 3 tablespoons granulated sugar in lukewarm water 1 cup until sugar and milk well blended
  3. Enter 3 tsp instant yeast in a solution of sugar and milk, set aside until yeast expands
  4. Enter 300 grams of flour into a large container, mix the yeast liquid and starter dough
  5. Stir the dough to dull with a sprinkle of flour little by little to prevent sticking, leave the dough about 1 hour until expands
  6. Once inflated, deflate with hand then flattened the dough lengthwise
  7. Give the dough sprinkles sugar and cinnamon powder until blended, roll the dough with a pressed
  8. Cut the dough according to taste, place in a greased baking sheet, cover with a clean cloth and let sit until dough
  9. Preheat panggangan to 200 degrees Celsius and bake bread for 15-20 minutes until cooked and browned
  10. Lift and rub butter on bread and serve

Once served, the bread be eaten immediately. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom : D

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