Resep Gomak ( Sweet Potato Ball Fill Brown Sugar )
Kue ini dia termasuk galat satu jajanan pasar yg tak jarang dijumpai, cara membuatnya & bahan-bahannya relatif sederhana & gampang di dapatkan di pasar-pasar tradisional.
Rasa legit menurut ubi jalarnya berpadu dengan mengagumkan gula merah yg ada pada dalam bola-bolanya. Dan tak jarang terjadi waktu di gigit isi gula merahnya memuncrat keluar, jadi menggigit camilan cantik yang satu ini wajib perlahan & sahih-benar dinikmati :D
Berikut & materi cara membuatnya
Bahan - materi :
- 1 kg ubi jalar
- 5 sdm tepung terigu
- 2 sdm gula pasir
- 100 gram gula merah, di potong halus
- Sejumput garam
- Minyak sayur secukupnya
Cara membuatnya :
- Bersihkan dan kupas 1 kg ubi jalar, di kukus sampai lembut kemudian tambahkan 2 sdm gula pasir dan sejumput garam saat masih panas, aduk sampai rata kemudian sisihkan
- Potong halus 100 gram gula merah, sisihkan
- Tambahkan 5 sdm tepung terigu ke dalam campuran ubi, aduk sampai rata dan kalis sampai tidak lengket di tangan
- Adonan ubi di buat bulatan-bulatan kecil, pipihkan dan isi dengan 1/2 sdt gula merah yang sudah dipotong halus, sisihkan
- Panaskan minyak sayur di dalam wajan kemudian goreng gomak sampai kuning kecoklatan kemudian angkat, dinginkan dan sajikan
Praktis kan cara membuatnya bunda... aku yakin bunda di rumah juga sanggup membuatnya. Isi dengan isian sesuai selera bunda ya ibarat coklat, keju, atau selai juga enak. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom :D
Sweet Potato Ball Fill Brown Sugar
The following cake is one of the traditional snacks are often found, how to make and the materials are quite simple and easy to get in the traditional markets.
Savory taste of the sweet potato mixed with brown sugar that is in the ball. And often the case when bitten brown sugar contents squirts out or melted in, so bite this cake must slowly and really enjoyed : D
Here and materials how to make it
Ingredients :
- 1 kg of sweet potato
- 5 tablespoons flour
- 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
- 100 grams of brown sugar, finely cut
- Pinch of salt
- Vegetable oil to taste
How to make :
- Clean and peel 1 kg of sweet potato, steamed until soft then add 2 tablespoons sugar and a pinch of salt when it is still hot, mix well and set aside
- Minced 100 grams of brown sugar, set aside
- Add 5 tablespoons of flour into the potato dough, stir until blended and smooth until not sticky to the touch
- The sweet potato dough made small dots, flattened it and fill it with 1/2 teaspoon of brown sugar that has been cut finely, set aside
- Heat the vegetable oil in a skillet and fry until golden brown gomak and lift, chill and serve
Easy right way to make ... I'm sure you can make it at home too. Fill with stuffing according to your taste ya like chocolate, cheese, or jam is also delicious. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom : D
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